The last few mornings have begun with a coffee from the
Blue Bottle Coffee Company Cafe. It's in
a quiet corner behind the old Mint. They're very trendy but I kid you not, they have a policy against take-away espresso. Why? You can have a Grande Organic Single Source Latte With Extra Cinamon to go, but they will not give you an espresso to go anywhere, except instore.
I was first told that it's because the don't have the tiny annoying little paper espresso cups, (you know, just like you drbbleinto/drink from at the dentist) and so I said that I didn't mind a larger paper cup. "We don't do espressos to go" was the reply. I asked for a small cappuccino, ristretto and hold the milk.
No problem.
Yesterday, things came to a head when I asked for an espresso to go. "We have a policy..." So I repeated my request. "So you want to have it here in a demitasse?" was the nice man's response.
I told him NO and restated my very reasonable demand. "But we have a
So I agreed to have my coffee in. And asked for an empty paper cup on the side.
No problem.